Press Release

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Ho Chi Minh City, October 26, 2020: Today, SCG has rolled out the first pilot project of waste segregation at source at Long Son 2 Primary School – Ba Ria – Vung Tau province. This effort manifests the corporate’s commitment in the Public Private Collaboration formed by SCG, Unilever Vietnam, Dow Chemicals and Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment in early February this year towards applying circular economy concept in plastic waste management. It also aligns with the government’s direction to promote circular economy as an effective mean to reduce plastic waste, toward a sustainable future.

Mr. Soros Khlongchoengsan – HR Director of Long Son Petrochemicals Co., Ltd, a subsidiary of SCG shared about the project: “As one of the first initiatives of SCG to promote circular economy in Vietnam, this project aims to educate young children about environmental issues and waste segregation mindsets, as well as to call for participations of teachers and families to extend to the whole community in the later stages. The ultimate goal is to increase recycling rate, toward a Circular Economy in the future.”

In collaboration with mGreen – Smartcity mobile application in waste management to classify waste at source and accumulate points to redeem gifts and Gia Linh – a local waste collector & transportation, SCG will initially set forth conditions for teachers, students and parents to participate in the waste segregation at source.

Besides training activities on waste segregation and circular economy, the company has installed two classification bins in each class and six grand bins in each school to let the students segregate between recycled and non-recycled items. The teachers will be in charge of consolidating and inputting the amount of collected waste in the mGreen’s Smartcity application, or the parents can do it at home. Meanwhile, to monitor the implementation, each school will have a group of ambassadors who are selected from outstanding students to regularly supervise and manage at the grand segregation bins of each school.

“To encourage students and parents to segregate waste at source, we are having incentive gifts accumulated by points on mGreen Mobile App – Smartcity application for individuals. High-performing classes will also get rewarded by gifts such as the Doozypack Paper Playhouse by SCG. Moreover, to inspire students about the Circular Economy, the ambassador groups will be invited on familiar trips to experience the circular economy model. Later on, SCG will also return to the schools with exciting events about environments and waste management to sustain the project momentum.”, shared Mr. Soros.

Waste after being segregated will be collected by Gia Linh in a separate container and ready to be recycled. Other organic wastes will be processed into compost used by local community for agricultural purposes.

The project has been highly appreciated, the representative of People Committee of Vung Tau City, Vice Chairman of Natural Resources and Environment Division, Mr. Pham Quoc Huy said: “Education is the key to change the world. Therefore, Vung Tau city has chosen Long Son Primary school to be the location of the pilot project of waste segregation at source towards a circular economy. From there, we hope to spread out this good practice to the whole community. We appreciate the contribution of Long Son Petrochemicals Company – a member of SCG, and mGreen Social Enterprise in the sustainable development and the social welfare of Vung Tau city through this project”.

Aligning with the corporate’s principle of sustainability, SCG has always made effort to contribute to the local communities where it operates. In Long Son Commune, the location of its flagship Petrochemicals Complex project in the South of Vietnam, SCG has implemented various projects to improve the livelihood of the people there. Chief amongst those are the Sharing The Dream Playgrounds for Long Son 1 & Long Son 2 Primary Schools, the mobile healthcare clinics for local people and the scholarships for young people in the community. The pilot project of waste segregation will be implemented by SCG at Long Son 1 and Long Son 2 Primary School in 2020. The model is expected to roll out in Long Son Commune and the whole Vung Tau City.

About SCG

SCG, one of the leading conglomerates in the ASEAN region, comprises three core businesses: Cement-Building Materials, Chemicals, and Packaging. With more than 200 companies under its umbrella and approximately 57,000 employees, SCG creates and distributes innovative products and services that respond to the current and future needs of consumers. SCG began its business operations in Vietnam in 1992 with a trading business and gradually expanded investment in diversified businesses in the cement-building materials, chemicals, and packaging.

Today, with a total of 21 companies across Vietnam driven by more than 9,600 employees, SCG offers a variety of premium products and services to markets. Available products in cement-building materials include concrete roof, fiber-cement board, fiber-cement wood substitute products for floor and ceiling, white cement, ready-mixed concrete under the brand ‘SCG’ and wall and floor ceramic tiles under the brand ‘Prime’ and sanitary ware & fittings, bathroom fixtures under the brand ‘COTTO’. The latest is the cement product under ‘SCG Super Cement’, ‘Song Gianh’, and ‘StarCemt’. In the packaging business, available products are reading & writing paper under the brand ‘IDEA’ and corrugated containers, kraft paper, and flexible packaging. In the chemicals business, available products are downstream chemicals products such as PE&PP, XLPE, PVC resin, and compound, etc.

About mGreen

mGreen is a social enterprise operating with the goal of providing digital solutions in waste separation at source and managing waste collection, collection and recycling for businesses and authorities; Residential areas, condominiums, organizations… contribute to solving social and environmental problems. To solve this problem, the application solution to manage using mGreen sorting waste accumulated points to redeem gifts card on Mobile Application through Loyalty Coalition Mobile Platform on mobile phone has been launched and applied in many locations where the project is deployed.

Before the operation was carried out in collaboration with the People’s Committee of Vung Tau City, Long Son Petrochemicals Co., Ltd. belonged to SCG Group, Long Son Primary School, mGreen Social Enterprise cooperated with Nestlé, Vinschool, UNDP, Worldbank, Ministry of Science and Technology, Central Youth Union, Urenco, Citenco, People’s Committee of Hoan Kiem District, Unilever, Vietnam Business Council for Sustainable Development – VBCSD implements projects: Sorting waste at source, Collecting recycle waste, No waste to nature, Plastic waste management in Quang Ninh Province, Building a circulating economy in 6 provinces – cities and 30 schools & residential areas across the country with the participation of 10,000 residents, students. The project collected and recycle 30 tons of recycled waste, contributing to the success of the program “For a green Vietnam.”

Images from the event:


The representative of Youth Union of Ba Ria – Vung Tau Province, People Committee of Vung Tau City , SCG & mGreen handover classified waste bins for Long Son 2 Primary School

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Mr Pham Quoc Huy , Vice Chairman of Natural Resources and Environment Division , delivers speech at the event.


Mr. Soros, HR Director of Long Son Petrochemicals Co., Ltd, delivers speech at the event


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The children performed “Waste Segregation Play” to simulate the classifying waste project at school.


The students at Long Son Primary School 2 actively engaged in the event’s activities and received gift from SCG.


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